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With the ever-growing threat from organised gangs, criminals and opportunists, plant and agricultural plant and equipment is always at risk to theft.
The methods adopted by criminals can range from using fake documents or identity theft; or simply removing machinery from sites, depots and farms.
To tackle the on-going threat of theft and fraud, a crime prevention forum called the Combined Industries Theft Solutions (CITS) was formed. This is made up of representatives from Trade Associations representing industry, the Home Office, Insurance providers, Major Contractors, Finance Houses and Manufacturers. CITS is represented by UK Police including National Roads Policing and Specialist Crime officers from Scotland Yard.
These organisations, together with representatives from the after-market security manufacturers have drafted this guidance document, to assist owners in identifying the risks to their assets and outlining the various methods they can use to protect them.
Those organisations that have contributed to this document can be found on the back cover of this document.