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The CITS is a ‘not for profit’ organisation for the Construction and Agricultural industries of which the SPOA is a member.
Their sole purpose is to reduce the effects of crime on both the construction industry and the farming communities. This is done by understanding the latest criminal trends, by forging Partnerships with the Home Office, Police and other interested businesses, creating prevention strategies, designing out the crime, and promoting best practice across the UK.
Inherent in stopping crime is the ability to understand the vulnerabilities that criminals will use to exploit to their advantage. Intelligence is key and CITS members can protect themselves by learning of the latest methods that criminals are utilising.
Crime in these industries has many facets, from the physical theft of property, to cyber-related attacks and even internal staff thefts and procurement frauds. Thus CITS members are able to protect their businesses by understanding how the potential organised crime syndicates are operating and what they need to do to prevent attacks on their own business.
CITS members are all highly experienced personnel drawn together from industry. Representatives from the Home Office, UK Police, construction and utility firms, contractors, machinery manufacturers, the insurance industry including the Thatcham Research Centre, the specialist plant hire companies and their trade associations and the Security industry are all CITS members.
New Business partners are invited to join CITS Partnership to encourage new innovations and help protect the communities in their sector.
Aside from an annual conference highlighting the latest strategies in crime prevention, CITS also hold regular Workshops focusing on key threats affecting our sectors.