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26 May 2020 Dear Kate Forbes I write to you today to raise concerns as both a businessman and as the Vice President of the Scottish Plant Owners Association. The SPOA was established in 1950 to represent the construction plant industry in Scotland, today we represent around 300 member businesses who contribute approximately £1bn to the Scottish economy. On the 22nd May you made comment via your social media channels with regards to business support - I write to you today with concerns over the support offered to certain businesses, or more specifically the lack of support available to those in the construction plant sector who have no need for premises yet still run genuine bona fide businesses. As you know, after a period of governmental indecision the construction sector was told in April to down tools until such time that the Government deems it acceptable to return to work. Some of our members have been able to access support such as SEISS and the Small Business Grant Scheme and those who operate a hire centre have been successful in obtaining a Retail Support Grant. We welcome the support available however it’s the first two forms of support which I’d like to share my concerns about which affect 27% of our membership.